В магазине действуют бонусы за пополнение баланса в личном кабинете сайта, детали в телеграм канале
In the shop are bonuses for replenishing the balance in the personal cabinet of the site, details in the telegram channel

ИЩЕМ ПОСТАВЩИКОВ ПОД РЕАЛИЗАЦИЮ: автореги (разные гео), сетапы, БМ 50/250,
Высоколимитные БМ, ФП, инстаграм аккаунты (под БМ).

Оплатить заказ также можно по Binance ID и MonoBank через саппорта
Связь @farmski_support


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FARM FB ACCOUNTS 90+ DAYS - King Facebook accounts for excellent advertising launch (through the SOC itself / linking autoreg, BMs, logs) created more than 90 days ago, which were farmed by hands of our farmers (hand activity creates a more realistic view of the account, from which the platform trusts him more).

Hand farming is valued much more than autofarming with software and has much more trust from the platform to the account.